Towards a living campus

The INSTITUT DE GENECH wishes to bring an ecolonomical dimension to its building projects, and thus reduce its impact on the environment while improving working and living conditions on campus.

We carried out a diagnosis of the site, in partnership with an architect: study of the state of the buildings, energy and water consumption, mapping of the site's waste, but also analysis of the time of occupation of the buildings. On the basis of this diagnosis many ideas came up from the school's teams.

Collectively, we draw the living campus vision. It sets the course. The search for technical solutions based on the first calculation notes already makes it possible to envisage the next transformations: rainwater buffering and infiltration, 1,000 m² of green roofs, rainwater recovery tanks connected to the site's sanitary facilities and washing units, or even waste water treatment by phytoremediation. The site will be 60% self-sufficient in electricity thanks to the installation of 5,000 m² of photovoltaic panels and a biogas plant that recycles animal husbandry and canteen waste. The installation of a wood-fired boiler room will supply the site with renewable heat.

Technical datasheet

  • Contracting authority : Institut de Genech
  • Location : Genech (59, North)
  • Number of people : 3,000 students and teachers
  • Mission : Ecolonomical approach
  • Period : 2018 - 2020

Institut de Genech

