The first airport engaged in the ecolonomical transition

In 2009, LILLE AIRPORT, already concerned about reducing its environmental impact, had carried out its carbon assessment and implemented actions to reduce its CO2 emissions. 8 years later, the team in charge of the environment on site wished to evaluate the impact of the actions implemented since 2009.

To this end, we are updating the airport's Carbon Footprint. We carry out our calculations following the ADEME's carbon footprint methodology. This allows us to highlight the environmental benefits of the actions implemented. For example, the relamping operation has reduced energy consumption related to lighting by 64%.

We then promote the actions implemented through "carbon sheets", distributed to the airport teams. For each action, these graphs graphically show the carbon savings in "equivalent trees planted" or "equivalent car journeys from Paris to Lille".

Fiche Technique

  • Master of work : MEL
  • Mission : Updating the carbon footprint
  • Year : 2017
  • Location : Lesquin (59)


Mise à jour du bilan carbone

Lesquin (59)

Master of work

Updating the carbon footprint